Insider Edge. Your Path to Leadership Success.
Do you...
- Feel like you're constantly on a treadmill, working harder and harder but not making enough progress?
- End up doing everything yourself, because you'd rather it be done correctly the first time?
- Wish the people on your team would take initiative, and not need to be micro-managed?

I get it.
I used to feel SO frustrated when my team wouldn't follow through. I felt like I had tried everything to improve things, and found myself at a loss.
I used to think I had to work harder and put in more hours.
I was certain the solution was to replace the problem people on my team.
After years of studying and working with clients, I've realized this. is. not. true.
You don't have to burn yourself out and control everything.
There IS an easier way.
- That you could feel in control, and not work 20hrs a day?
- That you could get your team to do things without having to micromanage them?
- That you could accomplish more by doing less?
- That you could genuinely feel more confident managing your team?
- That you could push back and say no, without losing your reputation as a go-getter?
Insider Edge empowers you to work smarter, not harder, by providing you with the tools needed to break through and level up - professionally AND personally.

Private, 1:1 mini-sessions with our coaches, where you can dive deeper, ask questions, and create a customized path for your success.

Unparalleled access to 100+ videos, assessments, Leaders Toolkits, discussion board, and more!

All of our content is bite-size, so you can consume it in 5-10 mins, AND you can access it on your mobile device using our app!
Private coaching is costly - it can easily run you $2k/mo.
Workshops can cost $5k and up, AND they're finite. Once you finish, then what?
For busy leaders like you, it can be difficult to find the time to attend, let alone find the time or resources to travel to it.
When you join Insider Edge, you choose what content you want, when you want it - at your leisure. You can even access it on your phone!
And, the most amazing part? It's only $47 a month. Yup, you read that correctly. Only $47!!!
If I were you, I'd click that join button 👇 now!
What's it worth to you?
When we become out of balance with work, we become incapable of balancing home life. We may stop taking care of ourselves - maybe we quit working out, skip lunches, or begin eating unhealthy foods. We may miss our children's events or begin having marital problems.
You have the power to choose a different path - a simpler path that will change your life, and the lives of those closest to you!
I know how easy it is to put off doing something like this for yourself.
I know how easy it is to just keep leaning on your own strong work ethic to carry you through.
And I also know how tired you are.
You may not know it yet, but you are worth more than what you’re putting yourself through.
Simply making the decision to join Insider Edge will immediately grow your self-love because you are choosing to invest in yourself. You are choosing a simpler path - one that will serve you well and nurture your well-being.
Don't just take my word for it...

You have two choices.
Continue on the same path - working endless hours and wishing things were different, OR you can choose a new path. One that will enable you to slow down, loosen the reigns, and lead your team (and yourself!) to success.
Still unsure?
I've tried stuff like this before.
It's too expensive.
I don't have time for this right now.
I don't know if this is going to work for me.
I don't know if I'll keep up with it.
How do I know if the content is right for me?
Why should I listen to you?
We don't believe in the word "should," so stop shoulding all over yourself! If you want to feel confident, meet our coaches:

Dr. Laura Gallaher
CEO - Industrial Organizational Psychologist, Speaker, and Certified Coach
Laura’s noteworthy career began after the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded upon re-entry in 2003, killing everybody aboard. Following the tragedy, NASA hired Laura and a team of organizational psychologists to change the cultural influences that were deemed to play a role in the accident. She worked for 8 years to positively influence culture, develop leadership capacity, and improve organizational performance at Kennedy Space Center.

Dr. Phillip Meade
COO of Gallaher Edge, Industrial Engineer, Leadership Expert, and Strategist
Phillip has led teams and organizations for 25 years, serving at various levels of management. Following the Space Shuttle Columbia accident, he led the organizational and cultural changes necessary for return to flight. Under his leadership the organizational and cultural changes instituted were recognized as the benchmark for culture change.

Dr. Stephanie Lopez
Industrial Organizational Psychologist and Certified Coach
Stephanie worked as an organizational psychologist at NASA to change the cultural influences that were deemed to play a role in the Space Shuttle Columbia accident. She worked for 8 years to positively influence culture, develop leadership capacity, and improve organizational performance at Kennedy Space Center.

Easier Conversations
No matter how difficult or defensive someone is, you will be able to handle conversations with ease.

Stop Overworking
Learn how to drop perfectionism and lead in-line with your values.

Be Empowering
By working on yourself, you empower others to level up with you.
Listen, I know you have a lot on your plate already. But here's what I can promise you:
You don't have to burn yourself out and be hyper-controlling, where everything in your life is super managed. There is an easier way and Insider Edge is the answer.
When you learn how to effectively communicate, are empowered to say no instead of taking on more than you can handle, and accept yourself exactly as you are, right now, life becomes easier - professionally AND personally.
You've made it this far; don't let fear hold you back. Click the button below and let's do this - together.

Seriously, there's no risk!